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When we talk of our partner we all know the joy and interest we both have towards each other, so imagine the whole conversation just die or other wise, imagine how it will feel like. Ask open-ended questions (questions that require detail answers).
WHAT TO SAY NEXT: it will be wise if you think of what to say ahead silence after what you have just said. It will be wise if you think so to take pour entire conversation to the next level and spending sometimes together.
AVOID CLOSE-ENDED RESPONSES: let your answers lead the conversation to a go ahead, which you should avoid conversational stopper answers for instance: no, yes, ok, fine and lots more. This will rather make the conversation boring and short but rather you should give out responses like: oh really, wow that’s lovely, yeah what of you.
KEEP CALM AND LET THE PRESSURE DOWN: always be yourself and never allow your inner emotions to take control of you, you might loose your way to another one which you don’t have any idea of.
RELATE YOUR IDEAS: don’t give out all you have, what ever you say try to see your partners view on it too, that is having an equal contribution in a conversational setting.
BE FREINDLY: let other person is at ease making sure you smile, show, and develop interest to what the other person is saying.
DON’T TALK OF YOUR INTEREST: if you want to make the person your friend, talk of your partners passions. (People like to hear more of them in a conversation).
