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During a social setting you can’t talk much if you are shy, to be more confident start with steps (small people around you) and be pressurize by your inner emotions.
MAKING OUT TO NEW PEOPLE: To have something to talk of you should prepare something to say like a starting point; this should be your way forward gear (it should be something that will connect you person’s interest.
Imagine yourself at a party hall what will you say: can I buy you a drink; I like your dancing steps…
If you find yourselves at a place were you having common interest with people talk of what you have in common for instance: school registration, banking hall, train station, airport, and party hall Practice what to say to avoid conversational mistakes.
FOCUS ON YOU’RE PARTNER: instead of you listening or paying attention to the ongoing conversation you will be worried of what the other person is thinking of you. All you need to do is just to put in your focus on that person or what going on around.
GIVE IDEAS IN A CONVERSATION: In a group of people is likely to be silent when a conversation is going on or maybe you are not familiar, no idea of the conversation or you are shy to contribute. Rather been silent laugh when they do to avoid silence on your side and make that are contributive to the conversation.
BEING CURRENT: It will be advisable to have ideas on current even rather than sitting speechlessly. Having knowledge things around you will be a better way forward such as phones, celebrity, politics, news, games.
Improve yourself if you see there is a need.
Don’t make yourself or try to be the head.
