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Fire Guts Police Station In Anambra Divisional Police Station, Orumba- North local government area of Anambra State, has been gutted by fire. LEADERSHIP Friday learnt that some hoodlums set the police station on fire at about 2.30am, yesterday, after setting free suspects being detained at the police station. The sources stated that the hoodlums, who had even “beat up” some of the police personnel during the attack, were shouting “No election in Biafraland.” The image-maker of the state police command, Mr Haruna Mohammed, who accompanied the state commissioner of police, Mr Mustapha Dandaura, to the affected police station, in a statement said that nobody could say the actual cause of the fire incident until investigations are concluded. He stated that no life was lost and that both the personnel and other critical police assets, especially the fire-arms, were properly protected from the inferno.   Sadly, the Ajali police station’s fire incident happened barely two days after fi
TRUST BUILDING CONVERSATIONAL QUESTIONS What do you value most in friendship? What does friendship means to you? If you were to ask me for three questions or favors what will there be? What can you for me without thinking? What will you request from me without anytime you see me? What do you want from me? If you were to choose someone to save your life who would that has been? What should I say to you so that you can remember always? I will be traveling tomorrow what should I leave you with and bring back for you? If you were blind folded how can you choose me out of three persons? In five years who will you be to me? Will you involve me in your challenges?


HOW TO BUILD TRUST Trust is what keep a relationship for a long period of time bur when trust is no longer more, things become different and cheating is been involve. BEING RELIABLE: If you don’t keep your words in a relationship your partner might thinks you are a liar or a player who does not keep his or her words pure to him or her. Keeping your words pure in a relationship makes your partner trust you and guarantee you full access to him or her. HONOUR YOU’RE PROMISES: Fake promises is what kills a true relationship beyond repairs sometimes. Stand-up to your words and honor them so as he or she can trust you and keep things moving. BE CONSISTENT: What ever you say to your partner let it be often but don’t make your partner bored of your consistency (this is what makes people say true love never fails). Note: Be consistent of your words for instance: I love you, your compliment and so on. Always the right thing to prove the person you can be trusted. It i
WHAT TO DO WHEN HEARING THE ANSWER NO Being shock after hearing no from your opponent won’t be a nice idea, be a man and calm down your emotions which are resulting from your negative surprise. Ask for a reason (a genuine) why she said no to you. Hint: What ever reason she gives you be ready to take it down even though she persists on. You can still do through your emotions to let her know that you serious about what you say. It won’t be bad if you keep bringing the thoughts in her mind but don’t push things hard on her. Put in your physical and emotional effort and let her be aware of it. Ladies like to see how men put in their emotions on them. After a while of your efforts towards her then bring it back to her mind and if it still does not make difference it is advice or wise for you to walk off.


ATTRACTION The power of polling some one of your choices is in your hands just go through some of these skills to have them or polish them up. Pay attention to the body language and respect her boundaries put in confidence to avoid some conversational mistakes HOLD MORE EYE CONTACT: If you see a lady you do like or admire for a while try to make eye contact before talking to her (this can make her feel there is something in common trying to take place). If you have eye contact with someone often it’s a sign that the person is comfortable you approaching them. Eye contact is a powerful tool in a conversation so try using it well. SMILE: A friendly smile is a great way to show a person that you are in interested in them, if the smile is been return back to you, definitely she’s interested in as well, then be a man and make approach towards her. POSITIVE BODY LANGUAGE: If she faces you then she must be comfortable with you. If she gives you a smile and an eye conta
CONVERSATIONAL SKILLS CONVERSATIONAL SKILLS Perfection in a field of study is all about putting the skills you have acquired into practice. TALK SLOWLY (AVERAGE): There is a saying that hurry always leads to sorry. So avoid speeding up your conversation to lessen your or do away with your mistakes. HOLD MORE CONTACT: From my experience, having more eye contact helps the most. It makes you have more confidence and lessen your shyness. CLOSE WATCH: Be observing your partner watch the way the person gets close to you, if the person gets close to you don’ hesitate come as well. You can hold hands if the person found it convenient. BE STILL: In a conversation there is always an emotional force that arises, it might trigger positive or negative but what ever it will just put your pressure down Note: During a conversation it is not advice to swallow spite its shows a sign of nervousness. BE OPEN: Meeting some one at first encounter it will be wise for you to be ope
HOW TO BE A MAN Being a man in any relationship is not a big issue is not tough as you might think it is. put down any pressure that might arise in you mostly emotional pressure because it will make you loose your track and focus, your focus point should be on your partner and not what the person is thinking about you. Being nervous in any relationship makes you double think of your thoughts on her, calm down be free and fluently in your conversation. As a man you should come close to her and sometime brushing your hands as you conversant together to let go off your nervousness. Confidence is what man needs to put things in order during conversant and hold more eye contact or she might think you are shy towards her. Hint: Hold more eye contact. Look good as you dress-up. Be still as you talk to her (avoid distraction so as to give her your time). Always inquire for reasons concerning what she say but not often. Always be ready to handle her negative thoughts. Be fri
CONVERSATIONAL MISTAKES INTERRUPTION: Avoid coming in during a conversation this makes your partner wired, that what he or she is saying is less important making them to think that you don’t value their point of view and resulting into a shorter conversation. CHANGING THINGS TO YOUR SIDE OF VIEW: Don’t change a conversation to your side of view, talk of your partner’s side of view as well. Talking of you constantly makes your partner thinks you are a proud person. (You might have no good reputation/value on your partner again). BRAG: Don’t boast of yourself neither your wealth, your partner is not interested or concern in such things if the person is coming onto your life for real. Mostly meeting the person at first encounter may make him think less of you. FORCING THINGS IN: Avoid bringing things in a conversation by force for instance: joke, teasing and more. Look at your partner’s mood or the environment around then drop a topic about it or say something both of you p
BEING TALKATIVE AND LESS SHY During a social setting you can’t talk much if you are shy, to be more confident start with steps (small people around you) and be pressurize by your inner emotions. MAKING OUT TO NEW PEOPLE: To have something to talk of you should prepare something to say like a starting point; this should be your way forward gear (it should be something that will connect you person’s interest. Hint: Imagine yourself at a party hall what will you say: can I buy you a drink; I like your dancing steps… If you find yourselves at a place were you having common interest with people talk of what you have in common for instance: school registration, banking hall, train station, airport, and party hall Practice what to say to avoid conversational mistakes. FOCUS ON YOU’RE PARTNER: instead of you listening or paying attention to the ongoing conversation you will be worried of what the other person is thinking of you. All you need to do is just to put in your foc
HOW TO FEEL AWKWARD SILENCE When we talk of our partner we all know the joy and interest we both have towards each other, so imagine the whole conversation just die or other wise, imagine how it will feel like. Ask open-ended questions (questions that require detail answers). WHAT TO SAY NEXT: it will be wise if you think of what to say ahead silence after what you have just said. It will be wise if you think so to take pour entire conversation to the next level and spending sometimes together. AVOID CLOSE-ENDED RESPONSES: let your answers lead the conversation to a go ahead, which you should avoid conversational stopper answers for instance: no, yes, ok, fine and lots more. This will rather make the conversation boring and short but rather you should give out responses like: oh really, wow that’s lovely, yeah what of you. KEEP CALM AND LET THE PRESSURE DOWN: always be yourself and never allow your inner emotions to take control of you, you might loose your way to anoth
QUESTIONS TO KNOW HIM BETTER What do you do for fun? What’s your nickname and why do they call you by it? What do you value the most? Where your small penny does goes to? What can you do to have money? Do you have any secret? If you were to ask for one wish concerning your personal life what will that be? How do you celebrate your event? What craziest thing can you do to achieve your goal? Who do you want to be with in times to come? If you were asking to rescue someone who wills that be? Tips: Use the circumstances around you. Ask him for help. Listen more than you talk. Hang-out with him to know him better. Give an interesting question (about him) Always talk of his interest. Don’t border him with lots of questions. Be yourself, avoid unnecessary make-up.


QUESTIONS TO ASK A GUY: FUN What keeps you fun all day? What other name do they call you apart from your real name (nickname?) What kind of condition makes you go crazy? What your ideal way to celebrate your events? If the president ask you what you want me to do after his speech what will you say. Can you locate me out of hundreds of people? PAST How was your pasty like? Where do you grow up? What kind of person were you like? What do always dream about to be? What kind of things makes you happy when you were young? Where you a hustler when you were young? What were you always punishing of when you were young?


HOW TO START A CONVERSATION WITH MEN BE CALM: Remember that you are just humans/people; they might be more nervous talking to you as you talk to them. REJECTION: You won’t be able to connect with every man as you deep as you might think it will be, don’t expect to go deep with every ma you meet along your way. START-UP: Think of an open topic to use and let things flow from their. Always have a back-up idea in case the opening line does not work as you plan. Your start-up point (opening line) should all depend on where you meet him, what’s going on in that kind of vicinity or what you see him doing. Hint: try having conversation with people you don’t know to have more confidence for instance: cashiers, waiters, teachers, security men and so on. POINT OF APPROACH: maintain who you are, be confident by keeping your head up, make eye contact then drop a half smile. I suggest your starting point should be you, giving introduction and be sure to ask of their names. Men


QUESTIONS TO KNOW HER BETTER What does your name mean? What do people around call you and why? What’s your biggest fear when you look into the past or future? What do you regret mostly in your life? What kind of events does you like the most? What can you say about me complimenting you? What connect you and your friends when you first meet then and why? What do you value the most in your life? What kind of activity do you engage yourself in when you are free from work? What kind of music do you listen to and why? What should I know about you that I never ask you? PERSONAL What’s that thing that you will never do again? a. Concerning your work, what do you like about it? b. How do you celebrate your achievements? c. Concerning your goals achievements were do you go to when you are out and why? d. How are your plans in times to come? e. Do you want to be a celebrity or not and why? f. What your biggest goal that makes you proud when you


QUESTIONS TO ASK A GIRL: FUN a. Where do you spend your leisure time? b. What memory always amuse you and why? c. What complaint do you always give when ever you wet your bed? d. What do you like to do apart from your school or work? e. What’s your favorite season and why? f. What makes you lively all day long? g. When you remember the past or future what keeps that smile on your face? h. What kind of things makes you smile when ever you hear of them? i. What’s your favorite story book? j. Of all event you been to which one do you want it to be repeated and why? k. What surprising skill do you have or you can perform? PAST a. What is the best gift that you ever received? b. What is that worst thing that had ever happen to you? c. What’s that childhood that always keep a smile on your face? What was your high school to you, a prison or what and why? Among the people you knew who burden you with issues the most? d. What


THINGS THAT LADIES LIKE TO HEAR FROM MEN Let her tell you her own stories if she doesn’t then you tell her your own stories. You stories must be fun, interesting, short and it should be a story both of you persons experience, definitely it should be something similar both of you have experience in this life for instance: childhood play, school experience, the present situation of a major and popular activity around you or the country. Ø Be s man , don’t feel shy or she might think you are a looser. Boldness is what ladies like to see from men . Ø Ladies like to see men’s eagerness towards them so persist on if she refuses, but you need to be care as you do it. Ø Give her a stare: put a stare on her face to make her notice your interest in her. Note: don’t give her a stare on her body curve if you are for a real deal, if so she might think your interest for her is different. Make a lady to feel some one is watching them.


FIRST TIME ENCOUNTER If you know how to treat a girl right , you will have her in your arms before you know it, just be a man, walk up to her and make a difference to work on your side. a. Its all about confidence, maintain that attitude that she is lucky that you like her (laugh kills all kind of grieve so it’s better to make her laugh). Do not talk down to her as though you are too good for. b. Be prepared to tell her what and why you cant help but notice her, so as to have a reason of whatever you meant c. Drop a compliment by telling her what you see in her. Do not forge a compliment it must be true so as to change her presumption positively. For instance, you have a beautiful smile, cute eyes you have there. Feed her with her with something and watch her response towards it, then your compliment will fall in or she might have a negative presumption about you d. Defense or protection: this is what everyone likes and loves to have around. Make her fell secured even