Always ask open ended questions, don’t ask of an ended answered questions for instance: what brand of phone are you using? After this answer is been laid down, you are speechless of what to say next thereby killing all your chances. Start a conversation that will continue to your desired plans. Always ask open-ended questions for instance:
Ø Place: school
Situation: trying to close from school
Focus point: doing some cleaning
Your presumption: she ought to be through with cleaning
Starting Gear: trying to close from school? I like your tidiness!
Hint: what kind of cleaning is been done and how it has been done
Ø Place: stadium (dressing room)
Situation: Warming up for the match/ dressing up
Focus point: doing some little stretches
Your presumption: the person must be and strong enough to take an opponent out
Starting gear: you seem fit enough. I like your jersey, it’s fitting.
Ø Place: Market
Situation: stranded (can’t find a certain item of want)
Focus point: her eyes seem to be in search of something
Your presumption: she is in need of something by her look
Hint: What part of the market did you see the person?
